Monday, 13 August 2012

What Makes a Volunteer?

Welcome to another friendly chat on Volunteerism '' THE NEW IDEA''
So I trust now that the term 'Volunteer' has been demystified, there's really no need going back to its defination.
If you do need more insight on the word, please see the post: HERE
So whats so new about Volunteerism being 'THE NEW IDEA'? After all it's origin dates back to, well; the beginning of time.
Volunteer activities date back to the Pre- industrial  societies mainly in the third world nations where mutual self help was, and still is vital to the survival of rural communities.
With the emergence of  industrialization and the discovery of the concept of money in the 19th century, the values of volunteerism became undermined.  Thankfully it resurfaced again in the 1920's as an antidote to the hate and horror of the world war 1.
The very first international voluntary work camp sprang the first modern voluntary service movement, an organization known by its French name and acronym SCI, Service Civil International.  The 1920s -1930s marked the movement of volunteer service across the world and it was often seen as a means of building friendships among young people of different European countries. It was also used in other countries such as the U.S.A. and Bulgaria, during the severe economic crisis following 1929, as a means of giving unemployed young people something socially useful to do, as well as a bed and food.  

While this is not a history lesson, its a way to show you that volunteerism is as natural as life itself.
Isn't it funny how a system with such history still struggles for credibility in our world?
Becoming a volunteer for a cause should be a lifestyle for you and not a 'new idea'.
So how natural are you?
Human enough to identify a cause worth fighting for?

Not to sound bias but wouldn't you just love to make a change in the life of a child?
We make it possible.
At the Rochas Foundation we live to put smiles on the faces of children.
Come join our team of ensuring  every poor child has an opportunity to attain free education.

For more information on becoming a volunteer: CLICK HERE

Jubemi Omabuwa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great idea...